links + resources

home about interests writing collected diary joined map links

disclaimer: the views & opinions expressed within any of these websites are those of the author's and do not neccessarily reflect the opinion of @clowdywings

last updated on: July 10, 2024 (removed/adjusted dead links)


these are various sites i've bookmarked (or follow on social media). i've grouped them based on what category i think they fit in. as of this update, all the sites are live though some may or may not be updated anymore. many of these sites i found through other people's /links or /resources pages on their websites

as more and more services require subscriptions or other forms of payment, i find myself a huge fan of free content. if it's paid, i will let you know.

comments, questions, or concerns can be sent in my guestbook.

indie search engines

image hosting

web hosting

neocities neighbors button wall


lavenderblues button pizzacatdelights button sayounara button celli button binnsbin button manyface world button trendgender button

cool neocities

pink remiku button hillhouse button shydeer button nyaa button gooby button circuitghost button allyratworld button rhinedottir button fairytrash button cloverbell button thegardenofmadeline button jubiland button kakashi button plastindino button swirl button artwork site button button ikaroll button strovi site button chocolaterevel site button button graphic.neocities site button ophanimkei sitebutton site button celestialvoyaging site button girlinside site button cyberneticdryad site button planetpearlia site button site button sclptures site button boypussy site button catboo site button strawberry-gashes site button lostlove site button rachychel site button cherubiims site button poemdoll site button site button chokoreto site button sushi-pixels site button cybherspace site button ephemeralstar site button hotlinecafe site button sleepysprout site button wappydog site button site button shrimpfriedeggs site button angel99 site button site button melps site button innerchile site button mypillowfort site button aegi site button whitedesert site button glitchedguts site button komichi site button sydnia site button devils site button betazz site button paupowpow site button site button ol1vi4s-corner site button cyberfrog site button extensioncord site button hhyperballad site button cloudworld site button mooeena site button site button neonaut site button site button site button arutemu64 site button site button drop n' spin dash site button alynxolotl site button cyberverse site button nork2004 button the museum of alexandra button jazzie site button glissegirl site button philia995 site button

no buttons

either the site doesn't have a button or i couldn't find it ;;. if you're listed here & you have a button, let me know in my guestbook!

strawbunimilk ; uncannyvalley ; bubbly ; colortraks ; soong ; ikwya ; sugarangel ; rarebit ; freakphone ; joolianjay ; fontcity ; mebious ; starbuddy ; yaebee ; vollzz ; ; ; paintbbs ; jazzie ; alexwifi ; pinkisland ; 14-4ml (mutual)

button graveyard

i have saved these sites' button but they don't work anymore. may they rest in peace

homepc button softteddypaws site button

my link

if you add my button, please leave a comment in my guestbook so i can add you back!


specific collectable decor



decor/pixel/graphics directories, collections, pixels

please read each site's terms of service or rules before using any content

mini sites with pixels + codes (+ other)

carrd &



main fanlisting sites

fanlisting collectives & more



please read each site's terms of service or rules before using any pixels or content. these are pixel sites or pixel adjacent sites. some are personal sites with nf2u pixels while others have f2u resources.

sites with buttons

hexedpixels button bitmapdreams site button asterism site button hotchoco site button taintedwings site button catchastar site button appledust site button omochya house site button ruberrosis site button pastelhell site button elfwink's pixel site button the shady nook site button vivarism site button sozaiya405 site button fancyparts site button sweetcharm site button

neocities pixel sites

sushi-pixels site button tomomi site button pixelsafari site button necrophantasia site button cherubiims site button aegi site button

pixel tumblrs

engrampixel site button pixel-world site button pixel-garden site button

no buttons

assorted resources


coming soon

i have a bunch more websites i'd like to upload, but idk where to put them rn...

should i put more content here or on a new page? free polls
